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O N E . Eee . Threee


- No ripping, no spamming, no vulgars, be nice (:
- Tag before you leave!
- Sec.One.Eee.Three
- Greendale Secondary School
- Form; Mr.Keh Chien Yung
- Co-Form; Ms.Tng Wee Li

- you think we suck , we think we rawk . and we rawk to the apple core . - ♥


Greendale Secondary School, Singapore
Secondary 1E3.
Form: Mr.Keh
Co-Form: Ms.Tng
English: Mrs.Franklin
Mathematics: Ms.Beh
Science: Ms.Marlina
Geography: Mrs.Franklin
Art: Mdm.Lidia
D&T: Mr.Chong & Mr.Wong
Music: Ms.Wong
P.E: Ms.Tng
Literature: Mr.Keh

Our Fellow beloved members;

Atiqah Bte Jamaludin
Chua Jia Na Sharra
Chua Jie Lin Jacelyn
Dionne Goh Sze Yin
Esther Chou Jye Xin
Faith Tan
Iman Shamira Wheeler Bte M S
Kelly Setiawan Tai
Krystelle Seow Gek See
Amelia Lee An Ting
Low Li Xuan
Lydia Toh
Nur Fatin Amirah Bte Subagio
Nurul Atiqah Zalilah Bte A L
Ong Lin
Patricia Ann Navarro
Soh Zi Xian
Teresa Lim Fang Rong
Tiffany Tan Jing Mei
Wee Shi Ying Grace
Wong Lye Teng (Stephanie)
Wong Xing Yi Magdalene
Bryan Goh Wee Kiat
Daniel Ho Chee Siang
Dexter Yeow Silo
Frazer Ngan Zi Min
Lum Kai Wen Calvin
Mohammad Hafiz B Mohammad H
Muhammad Fauzi B Ramlan
Muhammad Hariz Fathul Hakim I
Ng Ding Yao Jon
Ng Zhi Long
Olobo Nathan Obaje
Ong Ban Hong
Tan Zheng Yi Jeremy
Tyronne Tong Yi Rong
Willson Lim Wei Sen
Wilson Ong Yee Kiat
Wong Jun Yan

~We are the Architect of Our own Fortune- Sallust ~

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Designer: Yours truly.
Header: Nicole.

Hi :D
Thursday, July 29, 2010

Hello :D
Jacelyn here(:
Ohyeah , those who have not given me the class photo money ,
Please do so tmr , 30July (:
I need it asap . Or else.....
Okay , do study for History . ^^
There will be a retest tmr .
So goodluck !
Those who have not given me the money :
- Atiqah ($9)
- Shamira ($6)
- Krystelle ($6)
- Amelia ($6)
- Patricia ($6)
- Hafiz ($3)
- Hariz ($3)
- Zhi Long ($12)
Luvluvluvs ,
Bye .

- 3:31 AM.

blahblahblah ~
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Hi , Tiff here ^^ Sorry for the latelate update , but I think Home Econ's going to be cancelled tmr due to Medical Check-up ): Just in case , bring your practical stuff like 2 towels , container , plastic bag & white apron to sch tmr . Bring the strawberries / grapes you bought if you want to bring 'cause i'm not sure if there IS Home Econs tomorrow . So yeah . 1E3 won for the Captains Ball finals too , fr your info . :) 1E3 rocks . Gooodnight (:


- 6:01 AM.

Hihi~ ^_________^
Monday, July 26, 2010

Yoyoyo~ Kelly here.
SO just to update you people with homeworks and stuffs.(:

Chapter 24: Cells Assignment (Hand in by Tuesday)
Chapter 20 From Cells to Organism/ Worksheet 2 Microscope

Ex. 12.3 Q1, 5, 6, 9** (Hand in by Wednesday)
**DO each question on a new sheet of graph paper.

Please BRING your Health Booklet, (Hand in to BanHong in the morning.)
Wear your P.E attire for morning run, please bring your uniform as well, 
People without badges or the correct socks, please buy it ASAP.
Each pupil who don't have the school badge after recess, will run 2 rounds around the field after school.
(Eg. 4 people didn't wear their school badges, the class will run 8 rounds around the field.) 


So... about the class T-Shirt design,
I (personally) prefer if we use our own index number other than any other number(s), 
It would be confusing and takes alot of time to process (You know what I mean?? :X) .

And so now about the colours, 
ARE you sure you people wants hot pink...? 
What about the boys (DUH.), I personally dislike pink, but if majority wants it... fine.
So yea... "sample" of the colours. (Below)
Teal colour which some of you don't know.

*peace* Yea,


- 1:15 AM.

....Hello? :DD
Sunday, July 25, 2010

Hellos~~ Kelly here.
So, no one has updated anything lately, 
{I'm here to do so! ^_______^}

Umm, so far there's 3 homeworks~
Science;; Chapter 24: Cells Assignment (Hand in by Tuesday)
            ;; Chapter 20 From Cells to Organism/ Worksheet 2 Microscope

Math;; Worksheet given by Ms.Beh (Not so sure about that, Sorry.)
          &&& For those who didn't do the previous homework, Please hand it in by tomorrow~
          Ex. 12.2 Q2, 3, 7, 11, 12**

**Do each question on a new piece of graph paper. 

For tomorrow (Monday),
Please wear your P.E attire,
and not to forget your school uniform, as well as your badge,
and.. Greendale socks. (:


- 2:42 AM.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Todae no hmk so...
The only thing is that I need volunteers to help stay back in school and help us do the class decor...
I might need around 12 people... If you can stay, pls inform me... Thanks...
Malay people:
hmk is Karangan...

- 5:04 AM.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Halo People...
Ok um... Home econ for tmr is practical so u al hav to bring:
-2 Towels
-Plastic Bag
-Container(1 per person/not too big not too small)
-1 burger bun
-1/2 tomato but bring 1 whole then cut
-1 leave of lettuce or few slices of cucumber

Next, is hmk...
-Writing summary on repetitions summary skills 1 in 100 words
-Writing summary on repetitions skill 2 in 90 words

-solutions and suspension concept map wksht

That's all for hmk...

Next is pls pls REMEMBER to BRING:
-Collar Pin(those don't hav go and buy)
-Story books(pls bring)
-Wear school tie(those who did not bring tie on 14 July)
-Wear SCHOOL SOCKS(the word GREENDALE must be seen)
-School Shoelaces(those who still don't hav go and buy)
-Fringe CLIPPED UP(girls who hav fringes pls clipped them up. NO FILLERS)
-Girls: Skirt DO NOT FOLD UP
That's all... PLS PLS REMEMBER... Thank YOU...

- 5:45 AM.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Dear 1E3 let us congratz our captain ball player for winning this game with 1E4
18 to 16 hahas
Good thing to celebrate!

waka waka
~Ban hong

- 4:12 AM.

Todae, 13/7/2010, hmk is sci wksht on cells and solutions and suspension concept map wksht.. This is to be handed tmr... English hmk is to rewrite the summary in 100 words and passed up tmr. ILive journal, write ur reflection on todae's lesson and passed it up to respective reps.... To be reminded that everyone is to wear ur school uniform tmr with collar pin attached... Pls remember to bring ur money for the class photos tmr and pay it to Ban Hong... Thank you... Hope nobody forgets...
~Nurul Atiqah

- 3:34 AM.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Halo everyone...
Tode's hmk is maths hmk must do ex 12.1 question 1, 4, and 7. English is to complete the wksht given by Mrs Franklin just now and thise who have not passed p their home econ wkbk pls do so as wat Ban Hong has said... Pls be reminded those who does not have a book pls borrow from library or get one for assembly... Be reminded that everyone has to be in their pe shirt and shorts tmr as there are mornng run.. DO NOT FORGET TO BRING UR UNIFORM and CHANGED it during RECESS... Make sure ur uniform has a COLLAR PIN and ur socks are school socks with the school's name to be seen... For girls, pls pin up ur fringes.... Hope u all would remember... Don't wanna get scolded again... Thanks...
~Nurul Atiqah

- 5:45 AM.


Hi 1E3,

is your friends here,duh!

Ya, I am here to remind you all about the home economics
must bring the materials you all need on Thursday.
I think it is written on the whiteboard
1/2 tomato(if wanna share with partner also can,i think)
1 Burger bun.
1 lettuce or a few slices of cucumbers

Those who never summit e-learning or the workbook
must hand in to Tiffany or Esther.

~cheers Ban Hong

- 1:14 AM.

Another Ver of class tee..
Sunday, July 11, 2010

Hellos. Kelly here. ^_______^
Okay, so err, another version of the class T-shirt design.

@Ms.Tng, I don't really get what you mean.. but hope this is good. (:

- 7:30 AM.

Pls remember to bring ur home econ wkbk tmr and pass it up to Tiffany... Tmr is mon so there will be PE lesson remember to wear ur pe t-shirt....

- 4:57 AM.

Class T-Shirt design.
Saturday, July 10, 2010

Hellos. Kelly here~~ ^__________^

...Finally my T-shirt design is done.
The deadline's not up yet right?

So yeah, hope you people like it.(:

> W/ names.
>> W/out names.

- 3:43 AM.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Halo everyone... Todae's hmk is maths, ex 12.1 question 1,4, and 7. pls remember to pass up ur home econ wkbk on mon with the hmks done... People... we still haven't get the design yet... pls pls give us the design if not we will juz choose anyohow.... Don't forget to do ur eng and sci hmk too.... Pls don't forget to revise for ur class test next week.... chapters to be studied on is in the last post so feel free to see.... Hope nobody forgets....
~Nurul Atiqah

- 2:11 AM.

Good luck in Taipei!
Thursday, July 8, 2010

Heya! Patricia Here.
I just wanted to say,
I'm soooooo, gonna miss th choir ppl who are going off to Taiwan tomorrow.
Take care uh!
Hope you all do really well :)

- 2:34 AM.

Everyone pls remember to bring ur home economics hmk and pass it up to Esther tmr, those who hav not handed in maths hmk pls passed up tmr to Atiqah or Zhi long. Note that tmr there is History so pls bring ur red file and give it to Li Xuan. For D and T, pls bring ur apron(green in colour), textbook, pencil box and ur handbook. Those who never bring will either get punished or stand outside D and T workshop, so pls do not forget and those who have not passed up ur pencil holder drawing, pls do so. Home economics hmk for todae is to read textbook pg 135 to 137, chapter 1 pg 4 to 10, do workbook lesson 1 pg 1, 3 and 4, lesson 2 pg 5 to 8 and pass up ur workbook to Tiffany next mon. Pls remember to write ur name, class and reg no on the right top hand corner. Next Thurs during Home Economics lesson is practical so don forget to bring ur apron(white), two cloths, container not too big and not too small, 1 burger bun, 1/2 tomato, 1 lettuce leaf/few slices of cucumber. And pls remember ur partner's name and table no. There will also be science test on 21/7/2010, wednesday, 2.30 to 3.00pm in class. Chapters to revise on is solubility, rate of dissolving and cells. English hmk is to write repitations on foolscap paper on the paragraph that was given to you yesterday. Do revise on ur maths chapter 16 for the class test on 15/7/2010 which is next thursday after school. There will be history class test on mon, 19/7/2010. Tmr for maths lesson, pls remember to bring your textbook, notebook, notes/worksheet that was given on chapter 16 and ur calculator. Reminder, PLS DO NOT DISTURB OR TORN THE DECORATIONS THAT R PUT UP IN CLASS.... some of our classmates has put in so much effort and given up their time to put it nicely up in the class therefore do not spoil them. And pls REMEMBER to BRING ur MONEY for the CLASS PHOTOS TMR.... That's all for now... I will keep you guys updated. Thank You....
-Nurul Atiqah

- 1:31 AM.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Haylo. Magdalene here [: Erm.. if i am not wrong, Kelly is cmin up with a new design for the class tee. And for the ones that Ms Tng have put up, can you guys please vote for ur choice as we nd to make the decision asap.

Also regarding to what Atiqah has said in the previous post, i would like you all to come up with new ideas or other better designs, please voice out your comments to us. We would gladly appreciate your comments.

And lastly, i would like to give a gentle reminder to those who are always playing a fool in class, please do not damage the class decorations.

Please take care of the class decorations as we have put in a lot of effort in doing it.

Thank You (:

- 6:46 AM.

Hey, Atiqah here, um... reg no 14 one....
anywaes, like wat Patricia says, so yeah if u all have any great or creative designs 4 class t shirt then pls give it to us by the end of this week.....
decorations 4 class r also to be put up by this week....
in short termed, everything that is to be put up has to be put up by the end of this week.... and i really hope all of u would cooperate pls....
it'll be better if we work together as a class....
so yeah.... anymore updates i'll juz post it here....
oh and last but not least pls do not forget to do ur hmk....
there is maths hmk which needs to be passed up in the next lesson and for malay peoples.... there is malay hmk in the wkbk and don forget to bring ur malay book B....
be reminded to bring ur home economics both textbook and workbook....
that's all...
i'll keep u updated over the next few daes....
and those who still owes hmk pls remember to pass it up tmr thanks....

- 5:48 AM.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

hello people, Patricia here.
Nurul Atiqah told me to update th class blog so yea.
About th class tee shirt designs, if you have any ideas or designs for the class teeshirt do upload it here yea.
This is a really really short post, so yea.
Night :)

- 6:24 AM.