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O N E . Eee . Threee


- No ripping, no spamming, no vulgars, be nice (:
- Tag before you leave!
- Sec.One.Eee.Three
- Greendale Secondary School
- Form; Mr.Keh Chien Yung
- Co-Form; Ms.Tng Wee Li

- you think we suck , we think we rawk . and we rawk to the apple core . - ♥


Greendale Secondary School, Singapore
Secondary 1E3.
Form: Mr.Keh
Co-Form: Ms.Tng
English: Mrs.Franklin
Mathematics: Ms.Beh
Science: Ms.Marlina
Geography: Mrs.Franklin
Art: Mdm.Lidia
D&T: Mr.Chong & Mr.Wong
Music: Ms.Wong
P.E: Ms.Tng
Literature: Mr.Keh

Our Fellow beloved members;

Atiqah Bte Jamaludin
Chua Jia Na Sharra
Chua Jie Lin Jacelyn
Dionne Goh Sze Yin
Esther Chou Jye Xin
Faith Tan
Iman Shamira Wheeler Bte M S
Kelly Setiawan Tai
Krystelle Seow Gek See
Amelia Lee An Ting
Low Li Xuan
Lydia Toh
Nur Fatin Amirah Bte Subagio
Nurul Atiqah Zalilah Bte A L
Ong Lin
Patricia Ann Navarro
Soh Zi Xian
Teresa Lim Fang Rong
Tiffany Tan Jing Mei
Wee Shi Ying Grace
Wong Lye Teng (Stephanie)
Wong Xing Yi Magdalene
Bryan Goh Wee Kiat
Daniel Ho Chee Siang
Dexter Yeow Silo
Frazer Ngan Zi Min
Lum Kai Wen Calvin
Mohammad Hafiz B Mohammad H
Muhammad Fauzi B Ramlan
Muhammad Hariz Fathul Hakim I
Ng Ding Yao Jon
Ng Zhi Long
Olobo Nathan Obaje
Ong Ban Hong
Tan Zheng Yi Jeremy
Tyronne Tong Yi Rong
Willson Lim Wei Sen
Wilson Ong Yee Kiat
Wong Jun Yan

~We are the Architect of Our own Fortune- Sallust ~

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Designer: Yours truly.
Header: Nicole.

Class Tee Designs!
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Hey e3 kids...
We have yet to confirm our tee shirt designs...so here's some of the designs modified from what you have submitted...take a look and comment on it. Hopefully we can get it settled before Mid July. If you have more designs, do post it up!
Design 1Design 2

Design 3

- 3:58 AM.

Innovation week :)
Monday, June 28, 2010

Hello :)
Patricia here.
Ms Tng told me to post what on th class blog what to bring for the LJ and this whole week.

For this week, bring
- writing materials
-file with 20pockets (blue I think.)
-Foolscap ( for Mr Keh' s english lesson)
-drawing material's (image board lesson)
-Ikea catalogue and brochures,photos of study areas,furnitures/items in a study room etc.(image board lesson)
-SD card reader / Camera cable

For Learning Journey
-Writing materials
-medicine (J.I.C)
-extra battery
-USB cable

- 4:24 AM.

WelCOme Back!
Saturday, June 26, 2010

Hi little ones ...

Hope holiday has been good for ya and your work has been completed !
(rem my 7 Habits poster!!- submit during iLiVE lesson)

*Banhong/Faith, maybe you can help by updating the list of homework to be completed for the rest to double check. Thanks.

Well hope you be looking forward to the new term....to get you prepared..First week is innovation week and you'll be given the schedule for the week on Monday when you return. Please bear in mind your groupings...

On Mon, there will be assembly in the hall, followed by home period, recess and imageboard lesson. You will be receiving the timetable, letters, consent form for the learning journey to IKea (Wed), things to bring on various days...

Please bring all forms that you still "owe" us... and also your handbook. Those LTMC students who still owe me your MC/letters from doc..please submit on Mon as well...

To summarise to bring on MOnday:
1. Handbook
2. Pencil case
3. Foolscap Paper(just in case need copy notes)
4. All forms that you owe
5.All homework that you need to submit on Monday.
6. Story book

Attire: Uniform

Please tidy yourself up (your hair, your school badge etc etc) and come back refreshed !
Don't make us catch you on the first day of school already! And yes there will be a check on Monday itself.

Looking forward to see you kids tomorrow!

ps:those who took photos on BBQ day, please bring for us to save a copy. Thanks.

- 6:52 PM.

I'm not afraid.

Hello dearies :)
Patricia here :)
Our class blog is seriously dead. I swear. :X
I'm bored so I'm updating the class blog for once.
Anyone know what to bring on Monday?
I seriously have NOOOOOO idea what to bring.
Okok, see ya :)

- 3:24 AM.

Sun kissed skin so hot we'll melt your popsicle !
Sunday, June 6, 2010

Hello beautiful people of 1e3!
Patricia here (:
As you know, this thursday will be our class bbq,
it will be @ Pasir Ris Park Area 1 (closest to downtown east) , BBQ pit 7, from 12 to 6 pm (:
If possible, please meet at Pasir Ris MRT @ 11am, so that we can go to the area together.
For any inquiries, Please call or message me @ 96831961

- 8:44 PM.