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O N E . Eee . Threee


- No ripping, no spamming, no vulgars, be nice (:
- Tag before you leave!
- Sec.One.Eee.Three
- Greendale Secondary School
- Form; Mr.Keh Chien Yung
- Co-Form; Ms.Tng Wee Li

- you think we suck , we think we rawk . and we rawk to the apple core . - ♥


Greendale Secondary School, Singapore
Secondary 1E3.
Form: Mr.Keh
Co-Form: Ms.Tng
English: Mrs.Franklin
Mathematics: Ms.Beh
Science: Ms.Marlina
Geography: Mrs.Franklin
Art: Mdm.Lidia
D&T: Mr.Chong & Mr.Wong
Music: Ms.Wong
P.E: Ms.Tng
Literature: Mr.Keh

Our Fellow beloved members;

Atiqah Bte Jamaludin
Chua Jia Na Sharra
Chua Jie Lin Jacelyn
Dionne Goh Sze Yin
Esther Chou Jye Xin
Faith Tan
Iman Shamira Wheeler Bte M S
Kelly Setiawan Tai
Krystelle Seow Gek See
Amelia Lee An Ting
Low Li Xuan
Lydia Toh
Nur Fatin Amirah Bte Subagio
Nurul Atiqah Zalilah Bte A L
Ong Lin
Patricia Ann Navarro
Soh Zi Xian
Teresa Lim Fang Rong
Tiffany Tan Jing Mei
Wee Shi Ying Grace
Wong Lye Teng (Stephanie)
Wong Xing Yi Magdalene
Bryan Goh Wee Kiat
Daniel Ho Chee Siang
Dexter Yeow Silo
Frazer Ngan Zi Min
Lum Kai Wen Calvin
Mohammad Hafiz B Mohammad H
Muhammad Fauzi B Ramlan
Muhammad Hariz Fathul Hakim I
Ng Ding Yao Jon
Ng Zhi Long
Olobo Nathan Obaje
Ong Ban Hong
Tan Zheng Yi Jeremy
Tyronne Tong Yi Rong
Willson Lim Wei Sen
Wilson Ong Yee Kiat
Wong Jun Yan

~We are the Architect of Our own Fortune- Sallust ~

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Music Playlist at MixPod.com


Designer: Yours truly.
Header: Nicole.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Haha , LOL .
Just in case you don't know who's posting here ,
it's TiffanityT ! ;D
LOL , posting that 'NEON GREEN ALERT' thing for fun .
Ooops , i think i am posting rubbish :P
Anyway , better go read my blog okay !
TYVM & ilove1E3 ! :D


- 5:21 AM.

Hello~ It's me, Patricia again. Haha, Okay, the date of the barbecue has been postponed to the second week of june, I took a screenshot of the bbq booking details((: Will upload it yea(:

- 5:12 AM.

Patricia Again(:

Hellooooo~~~. Okay, I think I booked the bbq pit, it's yet to be paid so yea, 31 May, Cuz that's when most of the pits at pasir ris are available. Bbq Pit #1 Area 1( nearest to Escape), We have it from 12noon to 8am the next day, please state in the tagboard, if you can come, if not, we should just postpone it kayz(:

Okay, Love you all. Hahaha.
Ps; gimme all ur emails so that I can invite you to my blog(:

- 2:14 AM.

lydia here, decided to chng blogskins(:
with permission ofcos from kelly(:
if u really dont like, u can chng it bck(:
im fine w it(:


- 1:05 AM.

WooHoo! Holidae is here...
Can play all dae... haha...
Gonna miss u guys alot...
Hope we get into the semi-finals for captain ball's...
ok lor... I'll write soon... Bye
~Nurul Atiqah

- 12:42 AM.

Hello peoplee ! ;D ♥
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Heyyas people ! (:

Jacelynn here oh'z ! Laughz , (:
First post to class blog, Yays !
How's exam results? Lawl ,
I flunk all my subjects uhz...
ohmyGawd D:
bythways, my new URL ish i-loveediedyou-xboyboy.blogspot.com kay ,
I'll help to relink, Haahr !
Holidays coming oh'z (:
Thumbs'up highhigh!
Heeeh !
Who wanna go shopping(:
Jio me kays !
But must see first uhz,
Need go back school for choir, Sadface! ):
Anywayz, i just realised im treating this blog as my own..
Laughlaughz , <3
okOk, should end here , \m/

Byeee ! (:

L爱ve ends here kays , (: -Jacelynn'C

- 4:55 AM.



Kelly here^^
Hehe, finally teacher gave you people the email and password for this blog.
So If you want to change the mixpod design and songs ,or the cbox design,
please write at my blog's cbox
@ ikelie.blogspot.com [CLICK]
I don't go to this blog much,
Looking forward to reading some of you people's post.
Haha, Yeah. You guys just got back your result slips right?
How's it? (:

So yep. Please try not to post unimportant stuffs in here.
Do not spam the cbox > <;;

Yeeeahhh, Peace~~(:


- 1:18 AM.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Heylowww E3diots♥ MYE is officially over, so PARTAYYYY time ;D , so, are we like gonna have a party or something during the holidays, oh yea, don't forget to hand in your design for the class t-shirt to Ms Tng( I think) and the class outing paper thingy whingy, okay. Enjoy your almost holidays people♥

Ps; I love armstrong :P

- 8:28 AM.