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O N E . Eee . Threee


- No ripping, no spamming, no vulgars, be nice (:
- Tag before you leave!
- Sec.One.Eee.Three
- Greendale Secondary School
- Form; Mr.Keh Chien Yung
- Co-Form; Ms.Tng Wee Li

- you think we suck , we think we rawk . and we rawk to the apple core . - ♥


Greendale Secondary School, Singapore
Secondary 1E3.
Form: Mr.Keh
Co-Form: Ms.Tng
English: Mrs.Franklin
Mathematics: Ms.Beh
Science: Ms.Marlina
Geography: Mrs.Franklin
Art: Mdm.Lidia
D&T: Mr.Chong & Mr.Wong
Music: Ms.Wong
P.E: Ms.Tng
Literature: Mr.Keh

Our Fellow beloved members;

Atiqah Bte Jamaludin
Chua Jia Na Sharra
Chua Jie Lin Jacelyn
Dionne Goh Sze Yin
Esther Chou Jye Xin
Faith Tan
Iman Shamira Wheeler Bte M S
Kelly Setiawan Tai
Krystelle Seow Gek See
Amelia Lee An Ting
Low Li Xuan
Lydia Toh
Nur Fatin Amirah Bte Subagio
Nurul Atiqah Zalilah Bte A L
Ong Lin
Patricia Ann Navarro
Soh Zi Xian
Teresa Lim Fang Rong
Tiffany Tan Jing Mei
Wee Shi Ying Grace
Wong Lye Teng (Stephanie)
Wong Xing Yi Magdalene
Bryan Goh Wee Kiat
Daniel Ho Chee Siang
Dexter Yeow Silo
Frazer Ngan Zi Min
Lum Kai Wen Calvin
Mohammad Hafiz B Mohammad H
Muhammad Fauzi B Ramlan
Muhammad Hariz Fathul Hakim I
Ng Ding Yao Jon
Ng Zhi Long
Olobo Nathan Obaje
Ong Ban Hong
Tan Zheng Yi Jeremy
Tyronne Tong Yi Rong
Willson Lim Wei Sen
Wilson Ong Yee Kiat
Wong Jun Yan

~We are the Architect of Our own Fortune- Sallust ~

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Music Playlist at MixPod.com


Designer: Yours truly.
Header: Nicole.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Hey y'all! Patricia here (: I'd just like to say, thanks to Kelly for choosing the blog layout and doing the tagboard for our class blog. Also, Lydia has volunteered to help us do a blogskin. So thanks(: Stay tuned for more updates(:

- 7:43 AM.


Hi fellow human beings!
Testing this blog!

People in charge didn't make a blog for so long, so yeah.
Did it(:

Hope you use it well!
Uh, well.. I guess you people aren't allowed to know the password and stuffs like that.
Yup. Have a nice(r) life~~


- 5:50 AM.